Beach Pollution
Category Archives: Sailing
Achievements 2017
The invitation to CAST2017 in Nashville was the highlight in speaking 2017. It was a pleasure the have the Gotthard-Talk at CAST. Had a lot of good conversations – and enjoined the city.
It was a dream getting the boat license. I took three courses from ASVZ and had to demonstrate the learned procedures in mid summer. Due to no wind we had to start three times. Got the good result the second time and supporting the colleagues the third time.
Then I was sailing renting a boat from Sailbox. Once experiencing strong winds up to 6+ Bft. Could put in 2 reef, enjoyed the ride a lot.
What will 2017 bring?
2016 is over! Schedule operation on the Gotthard Basetunnel is daily business. There might be one or the other software release to make things even smoother. I moved forward to the next project. The Ceneri Basetunnel will occupy me until 2020. Proven technique from GBT will be applied.
Sailing is still a topic. Sailing the Laser was awesome. Did two courses beginner and advanced and reached regatta level. What a joy! Making the drivers license for the boat is a dream. Will it come true?
Laser! Ein Traum geht in Erfüllung.
Schon lange träume ich von der kleinen Jolle… Alleine auf dem Boot gegen die Elemente und am liebsten auch gegen die Mitsegler aus der gleichen Klasse. Nun habe ich mich angemeldet für den Grundkurs Laser auf dem Zürisee. Mittlerweise bin ich am Videos studieren, wie die Profis Wenden und Halsen. Habe festgestellt, das Lasersegeln doch SEHR sportlich ist. Na da bin ich mal gespannt!
Chris about Sailing and AC
Grew up at the Lake of Zurich
Went on fathers boat every weekend
Saw Alinghi winning the AC 2003
Saw Alinghi winning the AC 2007 again
Saw Oracle winning the AC 2010
Saw Oracle winning the AC 2013 again (every race live on TV!)
Familiar with some faces from AC (Barker, Davies, Outteridge, Read, Green…)
Also familiar with VolvoOceanRace and VendeeGlobe
EventManager for „Alumni ZHAW“ 2004-2012
SocialMediaManager for Alumni ZHAW since 2004(Xing Moderator / Facebook Admin)
As guest covering „Let’s Test“ on 2013 Stockholm Twitter
As guest covering „Swiss Testing Day“ 2014 Twitter
As employee covering tests of the „Gotthard Base Tunnel“
=> Present on FB, Twitter, LinkedId, Xing, Youtube, own webpage/blog/gallery
Sailing expierience
Sailing trip 2010 Greece on the TRINITY (First 456, GER4712)
Aegean Regatta 2011 Greece on the TRINITY (First 456, GER4712)
Aegean Regatta 2013 Greece on the TRINITY (First 456, GER4712)
Sailing trip 2014 Greece on the TRINITY (First 456, GER4712)
=> Familiar with sailing!
What’s up for 2013?
In the lab we will have a lot of work. Aim is to spend the effort on the right tasks – this will be vital. We have to write some scripts. Afterwards they are used to test by our testers, who work in pairs of two. Anyway, someone is missing and we have the opportunity to hire someone. Who will bring new knowledge to the team?
Testing – how to develop my skills
There is not much time to sharpen the saw and so I have to focus on some points. I will take time to watch the BBST movies by Cem Kaner. if possible I try to take a course and do a certificate of the BBST at
Maybe there is the chance to get to one or two conferences. First priority would be because the feedback for last years conf was great. Second prio is, of course, because it’s just nearer, shorter and more affordable.
Following people
Aleksis Tulonen, from Finland, seems to have good opinions in testing.
Adam Knight, passionate software tester
Michael Rueetschli, some SBB insights
IlariHenrik Aegeter, asks simple questions that need deep thinking – has to visit the lab
James Markus Bach, please give me a riddle – but not on number patterns
Ajay Balamurugadas, I read his three books
Mona Hinnen, Geek-Girl – I got the #twalender!
Jari Laakso, young upcomming mind
Freetime: Sailing! AEGEAN RALLY 2013 as bowman in the crew of Walter Kraher on the TRINITY GER 4712 which will take on 19. – 28. July 2013