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IRSE News Articles

Find my latest IRSE News Articles on the IRSE Swiss Sections homepage

  • Technical visit to Signalwerk Wuppertal and Schwebebahn Wuppertal link
  • Technical visit to Forch railway and 2024 AGM link
  • Technical visit to Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich (VBZ) – Zürich Public Transport link
  • Technical visit to the Pilatus Railway link
  • Technical Visit to the Waldenburg railway link
  • Technical visit to the Railway Laboratory Switzerland (EBL) and 2023 AGM link
  • Technical visit to the historical interlocking at Kerzers link
  • Technical visit to the Bommersteintunnel and the 11th AGM, 21 April link
  • Technical visit to Appenzeller Bahnen link

Technical visit to Appenzeller Bahnen

On 3 December 2021, 24 IRSE Swiss section members and five guests visited the Appenzeller Bahnen (AB). The event was organised by Bruno Huber who has been involved as the external project leader on improving the infrastructure of AB. The Section had the opportunity to visit part of the improvements and to also see the special challenges a narrow-gauge railway company has in improving a service that passes through villages on their own tracks, and sometimes on tracks shared with road traffic.
The first part of the event was held in a classroom, where Roland Steingruber (head of infrastructure at AB), Thomas Graf (specialist of signalling at AB) and Bruno Huber gave some insight to the audience of AB and the special challenges of the project.

Appenzeller Bahnen (AB) is located in northeastern Switzerland and provides 6.3 million journeys every year on a network of 94km with 71 stations. The infrastructure also consists of 28 bridges and five tunnels. They are proud that AB operates the steepest adhesion traction in Switzerland having a gradient of up to 8 per cent. We visited AB specially to see the two projects Diameterline (DML) and the Teufen on-road cross-town link (Ortsdurchfahrt). Both projects belong to a bigger programme that will bring 15mins service interval from Teufen to St. Gallen. The programme will also reduce level crossings along the line and make significant progress in accessibility for people with disabilities.
The first site visited, Niederteufen, showed a few different level crossings with lights only or one arm barriers. Two level crossings protecting the two station tracks, where cars entering the main road must wait patiently on the double line under the arms, until the traffic is allowed to merge in. It was striking to experience how interwoven the track and the road are. A lot of properties have their own level crossing to enter their driveway – but the lights and bells are considered irritating especially late at night. Of course, the democratic stakeholder involvement process is aims to find the best solution for every party, a typical Swiss approach, which allows better overall acceptance for the solution.
The DML is already in operation. Major track relocation had to be done around St. Gallen main station and the Ruckhalde tunnel, 725m long, was built. Different types of points as well as different types of clearances were also a challenge.

The programme aims for completion by 2035. The whole line study initially considered more than 20 timetable variants. In consultation with multiple stakeholders including Federal Office of Transport, operational considerations and infrastructure management, the preferred solution for the whole line was found. As consequences some crossings must be moved, and in the section of Teufen, there will also be crossings in the on-road cross town section. This had multiple effects as the extension of the crossings and the addition of the tunnel Vögelinsegg added 90s, along with introducing a double line in Teufen.
For sections of the Teufen on-road cross-town link the operational rules will shift from ‘rail’ to ‘light rail’ rules due to 14 level crossings and of course the section where the train drives on the street. Further pillars of the programme are the station Teufen itself and the level crossing/roundabout to enter the station. To introduce the roundabout a whole house will be moved to make the required space available. The already performed project steps had to foresee further project development, so the already built interlocking had to allow for the extension of the cross-town link. The station itself should have the possibility to shunt trains to give access for passengers to the middle platform. The roundabout with a point in the middle and the next point right next to the footpath were for geometrical reasons. The cable pits and pipes had to have enough capacity for the cross-town link and had to be planned well in advance.
Some special challenges were around axle counters in the on-road section. During wintertime heavy snowfall and ploughing produced some ghost occupations. Additional axle counter logic would avoid this in a later phase.

The second site visited in the best winter weather was the station Teufen, taking the train 6 minutes uphill and revealed the real challenges. Making the left turn towards the church of Teufen allows the train driver to just see the signal for more than 6 seconds, which is the minimum signal sighting time mandated by the national regulations. Shortly after the signal there are two pedestrian crossings and a parking lot directly next to the track where cars drive in from the road crossing the track and reverse out backwards over the track again. The train driver needs nerves of steel coming around that corner! The beautiful station with the evening peak hour traffic on road and track, including pedestrians, shows that all parties need patience to let other traffic cross despite the combined signalling system.
A typical Appenzeller Dinner including the iconic “Bere-Schlorziflade” (pear tart) concluded the impressive evening. Many thanks to Appenzeller Bahnen for the excellent site visit and our organising team which created again a superb event.

Politik – Das Gotthardbasistunnel und der EU-Rahmenvertrag

Das Gotthardbasistunnel ist unser Trumpf gegen den EU-Druck!

Die Deutschen interessiert den Staatsvertrag nicht, in dem sie versprochen haben die GBT-Zuläufe bis 2016 ausgebaut zu haben.

Den Italienern mussten wir die Zulaufstrecken finanzieren.

Als BR Leuenberger die Transitpreise mit der EU-Verhandeln wollte, wurde er über den Tisch gezogen. Bis heute gelten zutiefe Preise, die den GBT niemals rentabel werden lassen. Das war anders vorgesehen.

Deutschland hatte einseitig die Anflugbedingungen für den Flughafen Zürich über Deutsches Gebiet geändert.

Jetzt muss die Schweiz die Transitgebühren für den GBT und die Strasse massiv erhöhen, damit der Verkehr umgelagert, und der GBT rentabel, wird.

In philosophical moments quotes come to my mind and keep me thinking.

Here some of the most recent quotes:

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” SØREN KIERKEGAARD

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” ALAN LAKEIN

“Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life.” ALAN LAKEIN

very deep rooted things…

CBT: 1000 days to go until the timetable change in December 2020

The last section for the new railway link through the alps the Ceneri Base Tunnel (CBT). There are still 1000 days to go before the timetable changes in December 2020. What improvements will the new timetable bring? The Canton of Ticino, which has ordered the Bretella connection, will then only need 30 minutes for the travel from Locarno to Lugano. This corresponds to a halving of the travel time compared to the current journey. But the CBT will offer even more benefits for operators and train passengers.

From the 2020 timetable change, up to 216 passenger trains and 170 freight trains will pass through the Ceneri Base Tunnel every day. This will result in a considerable densification of the Ticino S-Bahn. The changes in the TILO concept from the commissioning CBT will lead to a quantum leap in public transport in Ticino. It can be assumed that additional trains will soon be running. A strong increase in passengers is expected between Sottoceneri (Lugano) and Sopraceneri (Bellinzona). In the medium term – according to the ideas of the Canton of Ticino – a ¼-h interval between Bellinzona and Locarno is to be expected.

Cross-border services will be intensified. The Ticino and Lombardia suburban railways will grow together more and more. It is therefore possible that foreign rolling stock will also be used.

Furthermore, the operator intends to achieve the biggest possible homogeneity of the travel speed of various train types in the CBT. The minimum speed required by the Federal Office of Transport (FOT) is 80 km/h. Freight trains will normally travel at a minimum speed of 100 km/h. The speed of intercity trains in CBT will normally be 200 km/h. During operation, the Vmax 250 km/h can be used to gain travel time where trains need to catch up a delay. With regard to headway times, the minimum operational headway required by the FOT applies, which is calculated using the worst braking train and will thus amount to 3 minutes between freight trains at v = 120 km/h (each l = 750 m, 1600 t).

The new interlocking system will ensure that the specified improvements are achieved. The detail planning has been completed and is currently undergoing the planning approval procedure at the FOT. The first data preparation was set up, approved by the safety-oriented testing (SIOP) and was tested in the Ceneri laboratory (CLAB) at the company location in Friesenberg.

The next project activities until summer 2018 include the integration of the traffic management system and tunnel automation system in the CLAB, system tests in the CLAB, the preparation of documentation for the cable distributors on the track, the sample installation of balises, marker boards, axle counters and point light signals at three locations.

Most important apps and most interesting apps.

Apps on the phone are our key for many things. With the right apps we can unlock the full potential of the phone – but which are the right apps? I guess, over time the most important and the most interesting apps will change. As a snapshot I write down my apps – obviously apple based. Please comment with your most important ans most interesting apps, including the use!

Most important
Whattsapp – Communication(txt, pics, recorded voice, talk) 1:1 and in groups – groups are the real power
Safari – Surf the net
Mail – get bigger inbound messages and search the mailbox
Twitter – Social media
Facebook – Social media
Periscope – Social media, post videos
Telefon app – Calls
Youtube – Find and watch videos
Google Maps – Find places, find the way to those places
Camera – Take pictures of everything, sometimes of things to remember – schedules, pw’s, etc.
SBB – railway app to find connections
Tripadvisor – To find hotels, restaurants and activities including recommendations
Health – track training, steps
Swarm – Log visited places
Weather – Plan outdoor activites
Meteo Swiss – Rain and wind predictions
Windfinder – Wind predictions
LANDI Wetter – Rain prediction

Most interesting
Flightradar24 – To see where airplanes on the sky are heading
Peakfinder – AR, to get the names of the mountains
Shazam – to get the name of a song, that is played aloud just nearby
Sternatlas – AR, to identify the stars in the sky
Ingress – Location based game
VR Offshore – Sailing game

Please comment with your “most …” apps – Thanks a lot!

CBT: Noch 1000 Tage bis zum Fahrplanwechsel im Dezember 2020

Das letzte Teilstück für die Flachbahn von Altdorf bis Lugano ist der Ceneri  Basistunnel (CBT). Bis zum Fahrplanwechsel im Dezember 2020 sind es noch 1000 Tage. Was wird der neue Fahrplan für Verbesserungen bringen? Der Kanton Tessin, der den Anschluss “Bretella Locarno – Lugano” bestellt hat, wird ab dann nur noch 30 Minuten für die Verbindung Locarno – Lugano benötigen. Das entspricht einer Halbierung der Fahrzeit zum jetzigen Stand. Doch der CBT wird noch weitere Vorzüge für Betreiber und Zugreisende bieten.

Ab dem Fahrplanwechsel 2020 werden täglich bis zu 216 Personenzüge und 170 Güterzüge durch den Ceneri Basistunnel fahren. Für die S-Bahn Ticino wird sich dadurch eine namhafte Verdichtung ergeben. Die Veränderungen im Angebotskonzept TILO aus der Inbetriebnahme (IBN) CBT werden im Tessin zu einem Quantensprung im öffentlichen Verkehr führen. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass bereits kurze Zeit nach IBN Zusatzzüge verkehren werden. Eine starke Zunahme an Fahrgästen zwischen Sottoceneri (Lugano) und Sopraceneri (Bellinzona) wird erwartet. Mittelfristig wird – gemäss den Vorstellungen des Kantons Tessin – mit einem ¼-h-Takt zwischen Bellinzona und Locarno zu rechnen sein.

Die grenzüberschreitenden Angebote werden intensiviert. Die S-Bahn Ticino und Lombardia werden mehr und mehr zusammenwachsen. Es ist daher möglich, dass auch ausländisches Rollmaterial zum Einsatz kommen wird.

Im Weiteren beabsichtigt der Betreiber im CBT eine möglichst grosse Homogenität der Fahrgeschwindigkeit diverser Zugstypen zu erreichen. Die vom Bund geforderte Mindestgeschwindigkeit beträgt 80 km/h. Güterzüge werden im Normalfall eine Mindestgeschwindigkeit von 100 km/h fahren. Die Geschwindigkeit der Fernverkehrszüge im CBT wird im Regelfall 200 km/h betragen. Im operativen Betrieb kann, wo sinnvoll (Verspätungsfall), zum Fahrzeitgewinn die Vmax 250 km/h eingesetzt werden. Bezüglich Zugfolgezeiten gilt die vom BAV geforderte minimale betriebliche Zugfolgezeit, welche sich über den worst case berechnet und so 3 Minuten zwischen Güterzügen bei v = 120 km/h (je l=750m, 1600 t) betragen wird.

Die Sicherungsanlage wird dafür sorgen, dass die vorgegebenen Verbesserungen erreicht werden. Die Detail- und Ausführungsplanung ist abgeschlossen und durchläuft derzeit das Plangenehmigungsverfahren (PGV) beim BAV. Die erste Projektierung wurde aufgesetzt, durch die Sicherheitsorientierte Prüfung (SIOP) für gut befunden und im Ceneri-Labor (CLAB) am Firmenstandort Friesenberg durch den Werktest geprüft.

Die nächsten Projektaktivitäten bis Sommer 2018 umfassen unter andererem die Integration der Bahnleittechnik bestehend aus ILTIS und Tunnelautomatik im CLAB, Systemtests im CLAB, das Erstellen der Dokumentation für die Kabelverteiler am Gleis, die Mustermontage von Balisen, Tafeln, Achzählern und Weichenlichtsignalen an drei Standorten sowie erste Materiallieferungen für die Aussenanlagen.

Achievements 2017

The invitation to CAST2017 in Nashville was the highlight in speaking 2017. It was a pleasure the have the Gotthard-Talk at CAST. Had a lot of good conversations – and enjoined the city.

It was a dream getting the boat license. I took three courses from ASVZ and had to demonstrate the learned procedures in mid summer. Due to no wind we had to start three times. Got the good result the second time and supporting the colleagues the third time.
Then I was sailing renting a boat from Sailbox. Once experiencing strong winds up to 6+ Bft. Could put in 2 reef, enjoyed the ride a lot.